I definitely will be attending church again. Sometimes walking by faith and not by sight is necessary for a Christian, especially in these days when all we see around us is manure – and it stinks – but God is still allowing us to grow.
Listening to Pastor Robb speak it is amazing how he is right on so many points. Like even when you don’t know you are being blest – you still are! Thank you.
Christian Revival Center is an amazing church with extremely kind and great people. Counting the blessings. This was an amazing and great service. I have a lot of respect for you. When it seems like nothing is happening God shows up in mysterious ways and makes things happen – but it does take faith. If we could always see everything, we wouldn’t need faith. However, God can see the big picture and staying in faith during this difficult season is what produces great success.
Thank you again for being a great church built on the love of Jesus Christ and love for our people. As you recently said – don’t settle for good but go for the best! David S . . . Mountain Home